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Moorea, Tahiti

artist on location bora bora, french polynesia.jpg

Bora Bora, South Pacific

artist on location raiatea, tahiti.png
These paintings are from my travels around the world,  painted on location outdoors in the elements of nature. Cold-hot-windy-rainy. . . . All thrilling,  terrific experience.  Others paintings, however, I would need to finish inside my studio.

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Papeete, Tahiti


artist painting at papeete, tahiti.jpg
artist coverd in paint.jpg

**Scroll to bottom on this page to view two videos of me on location.

"Night fall"

oil on canvas 16in. x 36in. $1,600.00

Evening Comes to the Kinneret .jpg

It was a serene night as I stood out there.

"Spiritual High"

oil on canvas  25in. x30in. $1,600.00


Clouds make for beautiful sunsets. It's wonderful standing outside and viewing this.

"Busselton, Australia"

oil on canvas 16in. x 20in. $800.00

Busselton, Australia 16'x20'_edited_edited.jpg

A fascinating place to be painting in.

"The Spirits of Nature"

oil on canvas  14in. x 40in.  $2,000.00

photo oct 20, 10 01 19 am.jpg

Caught the sunrise early enough to paint the  dissipating night clouds.

" Thunderstorm"

oil on canvas 16in. x 40in.  $2,000.00

dead sea storm 16in_edited.jpg

An amazing experience watching weather and painting it simultaneously.

" The Dead Sea, Israel"

oil on canvas  20in. x 28in. $1,200.00

overlooking dead sea _edited.jpg

Magnificent austere beauty

"Heat Over Kinneret"

oil on canvas  16in. x 20in.  $800.00

Heat on the Kinneret 16in. x 20in._edited.jpg

As I painted I felt the intense heat rising around me.

"Protecting Lion Spirit"

oil on canvas 16in. x 36in. $1,800.00

•protective spirit. 16in_edited.jpg

I could feel his presence when looking up at that sky.

"Moon Over the Ocean"

oil on canvas 14in. x 30in. $1,200.00

moon over kinneret 12in x 36in _edited_edited.png

I captured this beautiful Harvest Moon

" Lazy Hazy Beach Day"

oil on canvas 16in. x 20in.  $ 800.00

lazy hazy beach day 16in. x19_edited.jpg

 It turned out to be a very cool and foggy day.

"Moody Atmosphere"

oil on canvas 16in. x 32in. $1,600.00

dead sea at evening 16in. x 40in_edited.jpg

There is always a chance of being rained on, but then again it may not, so outside I go.

"Night Rider"

oil on canvas  16in. x 30in. $1,600.00

_Spiritual Rider in the Clouds_  oil 16in_edited.jpg

Yes, I  saw that jockey riding his horse in those clouds1

"Feel the Warmth"

oil on canvas  20in. x 36in.  $1,800.

photo sep 07, 4 42 40 pm.jpg

The energy outside was palpable.

"Protective Lion Spirit"

oil on canvas 16in. x 36in. $1,800.00

_Protective Lion Spirit_  16in. x 36in. oil.$1,800.00

I saw his image right there where the sun shined through.

" Yellow Sunset"

oil on canvas 21in. x 30in. $1, 500.00

israeli yellow sunset 21in. x 30in_edited.jpg

Hot sunset temperatures contrasted by the cool night air     

"Rocks off Lake Kinneret"

oil on canvas 20in. x 30in. $1,500.00

_Israeli Rocks by Lake Kinneret_ oil 20in_edited.jpg

This was a nice quiet area of the lake.

"Night Riders"

oil on canvas 24in. x 36in.  $2,000.00

_Israeli Night Riders in the Clouds_ oil 24in. x 36in_edited.jpg

As night storms were dissipating, I saw these incredible forms up there in those clouds!

"Spirit of the Ocean"

oil on canvas  16in. x 36in.  $1,600.00

_Spirit of the Ocean_ 16in. x 36in_edited.jpg

A blowing breeze so delightful out there.

"Night Clouds Greeting               Morning Sun"

oil on canvas  14in. x 36in.  $1,300.00

15 new paintings -05_edited.png

I see characters in the clouds I observe a lot.

"Faroe Island Hillside"

oil on canvas  16in. x 20in.  $800.00

faroe island hillside 16x20in. oil.jpg

Amazing to be painting so much beauty

"Shetland Island"

oil on canvas  16in. x 20in.  $800.00

shetland island 16in. x 20in_edited.jpg

Hiked miles for this incredible sight. Was a cold blustery, rainy day so thrilled to have exprienced!

"Melbourne, Australia"

oil on canvas 16in. x 20in.  $800.00

melbourne, australia .kings domain garden.16in. x 20in. .jpg

This location was at the Kings Domain Gardens

"Longyearbyen, Norway"

oil on canvas  16in. x 20in.  $800.00

longyearbyen oil 16”x20”_edited.png

Standing on the stern of our ship painting this stark, beautiful sight on a cold frigid day outside.  So much fun!

"Nova Scotia, Canada"

oil on canvas  16in. x 20in.  $800.00

nova scotia, canada 16x20in_edited.png

Quixotic weather made my choice what to paint quickly. In few days later we heard a hurricane hit this area.

"Papeete, Tahiti"

oil on canvas  16in. x 20in.  $800.00

papeete, tahiti 16x 20in_edited.jpg

Stood on stern of ship to capture this perfect view of the harbor.

"Penshurst- England"

oil on canvas  14in. x 16in.  $600.00

penshurst gardens, england 14x16in_edited.jpg

Penshurst Place seen in the background has so much history. King Henry VIII, Queen Anne of Cleves, etc. Fascinating location to paint in.

"Alesund, Norway"

oil on canvas  16in. x 20in.  $800.00

alesund, norway 16in. x 20in_edited.png

A charming place indeed.  Friendly people

"Akuryri, Iceland"

oil on canvas  16in. x 20in.  $800.00

photo apr 25, 2 44 29 pm_edited.jpg

We walked to this higher elevation  to paint. Realizing I'd forgotten my brushes, I panicked but, then removed my cloth hairband  and proceeded to paint.  only brush! It worked!!

skjolden, norway painting on site.jpg
"Skjolden, Norway"

oil on canvas  16in. x 20in.  $800.00

skjolden, norway- oil in progress- 16in. x 20in..jpg

When on location I tape my canvas to a board and then keep walking till I find the perfect spot. ** I had to pack up quickly from this location because my ship was soon to leave the port.

"View off of Papeete, Tahiti"

oil on canvas  16in. x 20in.  $800.00

photo feb 18, 10 42 54 am_edited_edited.jpg

In the distance I painted the mystical island of Moorea.

"Tauranga, New Zealand"

oil on canvas  16in. x 20in.  $800.00

tauranga,nz oil 16in.x20in..jpg

Sheep sensed a storm approaching fast. I only had a few minutes to capture this scene before they left quickly!

"Waihieki, New Zealand"

oil on canvas  16in. x 20in.  $800.00

_Waihieki, New Zealand__edited.jpg

I painted just outside their winery, then cleaned up  went inside, enjoyed lunch with a glass of their wine!

"Faroe Island Farm"

oil on canvas  16in. x 20in.  $800.00

faroe islands_edited.jpg

Windy and frigid outside, finger tips felt frozen, but so happy just being there in this moment in time. I chose to ignore any discomfort because of this amazing beauty in front of me.

"Stormy Florida Weather "

oil on canvas  16in. x 40in.  $1,800.00

photo aug 22, 3 42 54 pm_edited.jpg

After a storm the ocean breeze cools down becoming delightful.

"Geiranger Fjord, Norway"

oil on canvas  16in. x 20in.  $800.00

photo apr 25, 2 44 53 pm_edited.jpg

Standing on the starboard side of the ship, as it slowly glided by, I painted this wonderful view out on the deck.

"Twilight in Tzfat, Israel"

oil on canvas   16in. x 20in.  $800.00

twilight in tzfat oil 16in_edited_edited.jpg

Tzfat is an old ancient mystical magical, spiritual city,  birth place of Kabbalah.

"Storm at Sea"

oil on canvas  25in. x 30in.  $1,600.00

photo aug 22, 4 30 54 pm_edited.jpg

I love painting outside right after a storm.

"Darwin, Australia"

oil on canvas  14in. x 16in.  $500.00

_Darwin, Australia__edited_edited.jpg

Standing on a cliff over looking such a serene sunset, was just perfect.

"Broome, Australia"

oil on canvas  16in. x 20in.  $800.00

broome, australia oil 16in.x20in._edited.jpg

Even though I was warned to watch out for crocodiles as I painted, my attention was on the beautiful red sand in front of me.

"Moloka'i, Hawaii"

oil on canvas   14in. x 16in.  $500.00

moloka’i, hawaii oil 12in.x16in._edited.jpg

This location on Maui was down below two store fronts with many tourists walking by above. I was hidden enough that I was not seen and left to paint undisturbed.

" Bora Bora-Matira Beach"

oil on canvas  16in. x 20in.  $800.00

bora bora matira beach 16in.x20in_edited.jpg

Shade everywhere except where I needed to stand for this visual. Was hot out, but necessary to accomplish this painting- so worth it, too!

"Napier, New Zealand"

oil on canvas   16in. x 20in.  $800.00

napier, new zealand-hawkes beach. 16in. x 20in_edited.jpg

Beautiful black sand- what a memorable place to stand and paint.

"Huahine, Tahiti Pasture"

oil on canvas  16in. x 20in.   $800.00

huahine, tahiti pasture. oil 16in.x20in_edited.jpg

Here I painted two paintings from where I stood. On my right were these cows and to my left this beautiful water inlet.

"Huahine, Tahiti Inlet"

oil on canvas  16in. x 20in.    $800.00

huahine inlet, tahiti oil 16in.x20in._edited.jpg

Here I painted two paintings from where I stood. On my left was this beautiful water inlet. On my right were these free roaming very happy cows.

"Maui, Hawaii"

oil on canvas   12in. x 16in   $400.00

maui, hawaii oil 12in.x16in_edited.jpg
"Raiatea, Tahiti"

oil on canvas  16in. x 29in.  SOLD

raiatea, tahiti oil 16in.x20in._edited.jpg

Tahitian's were diving into this crystal clear water near me. In the distance is the island Moorea.

"Moorea, Tahiti"

oil on canvas  16in. x 20in.  $800.00

moorea, tahiti 16in_edited.jpg

Such a beautiful idyllic place to be standing in and painting.

"Dusk in Fernie"
, BritishColumbia

oil on prepared paper  22in. x 30in.  $2,800.00 Must be framed under glass.

dusk in fernie, bc oil on paper 22in.x30in_edited.jpg

As I stood on this hiking trail, I noticed those golden colors of the sunset shining through these trees.

"Dawn in Fernie, British Columbia"

oil on prepared paper  22in. x 30in.  $2,800.00  Must be framed under glass.

early morning in fernie, bc oil on paper 22in_edited.jpg

Me and my Jack Russell turned around to see a bear approaching slowly towards us.  I put everything in the car quickly, the bear came and I watched him stand up and roar.

"Evening in Fernie, British Columbia"

oil on prepared paper  22in. x 30in.  $2,800.00  Must be framed under glass.

dawn in fernie, bc oil on paper 22in.x30in_edited.jpg
"Hobart, Tasmania"

oil on canvas  16in. x 29in.  $800.00


Behind me a film crew from our ship was filming me as I painted this.

"Dunedine, New Zealand"

oil on canvas  16in. x 20in.   $800.00

dunedin, nz oil 16in.x20in._edited.jpg

This was such a fun hike up the mountain area and to have the ability to stay and paint there.

"Perth, Australia"

oil on canvas  16in. x 20in.  $800.00

_Perth, Australia'_edited_edited.jpg

There are tourists who do not respect boundaries of others. As I painted, someone's camera was placed on my shoulder who then photographed this painting without my permission. Audacity!

"Napier, New Zealand"

oil on canvas  16in. x 20in.  $800.00

_Napier,New Zealand_

Hiked a few hours up into a community of homes that all seemed to have these beautiful views.

"Busselton, Australia"

oil on canvas  16in. x 20in.  $800.00

_Busselton, Australia_

Ship docked far out with us walking the longest peer I'd ever seen. I began painting this immediately once on land. a beautiful sight.

"Storm Approaching"

oil on canvas   16in. x 20in.  $800.00

storm approaching oil 16in.x20in._edited.jpg

There's always an excitement when a storm is approaching.

"Anticipation"  Venice, Italy"

oil on canvas  38in. x 48in.  $5,000.00

_Anticipation_ oil 38in_edited.jpg
" Venetian Delivery" Italy

oil on canvas  30in. x 40in.  $4,000.00

_Venetian Delivery_ oil 30in. x 40in_edited.jpg
"Venetian Quiet Time"

oil on canvas  24in. x 48in.  $4,000.00

_Venetian Quiet Time_ oil 24in. x 48in_edited.jpg

You can always count on the quiet sounds in Venice when near the water's edge or when on the water.

"Narrow Passage, Venice

oil on canvas  24in. x 48in.  $4,000.00

_Narrow Passage, Venice_ oil 24in. x 48in_edited.jpg

I see visual romance every where I look.

"Venetian Transport"

oil on canvas   24in. x 36in.


_Venetian Transport_ oil  24in. x36in_edited.jpg

Venetian visual beauty is endless.

"Across the Canal inVenice"

oil on canvas  18in. x 24in.  $1,500.00

_Venetian Across the Canal_  oil 18in. x 24in_edited.png

So charming!

"Venetian Appealing"

oil on canvas  18in. x 24in.  $1,500.00

_Venetian Appealling_ oil 18in.x 24in_edited.jpg

This beautiful home behind that door has a dachshund waiting to go on his walk soon.

"Venetian Ripple"

oil on canvas  11in. x 14in.  $500.00

_Venetian Ripple_ oil pastel 11in. x 14in_edited.jpg

The water reflections transform realism into abstract art as a boat's motion cuts through it.

            "Double Take"
Venice  San Marco Square

oil on canvas  24in. x 36in.  $1,800.00

_Double Take, SanMarco Square_ oil 24in_edited.png

People watching is entertaining, and there was certainly so much to watch at San Marco Square.

Location: Akuryri, Iceland

Hiked several miles up the mountain only to discover I had forgotten all my paint brushes! Perseverance I have!


  *Painting out on location*

I have painted in some of the most beautiful areas of the world. Iceland, Scotland, Australia, New Zealand, Bora Bora, Norway, Israel, England, Faroe Islands, and so many more. These two videos show my complete and dedicated enthusiasm to painting outdoors on location, whenever possible.  Yet there are other times I have to paint in my studio. Outside I use the Plein Air technique, meaning all is painted outside.  The weather can be quixotic. However, in one case in Akuryri, Iceland, I forgot to bring my paint brushes to paint with! There's always a solution to any problem when out on location, the artist simply has to find one.  "Necessity is the mother of invention."
Appenzell, Switzerland

I started painting the distant mountains and looked up to see these gentle curios cows moving in towards me. How lucky I was!


Follow me on INSTAGRAM: danajoyceartist

Dana Joyce

Classical Modern Art 

Copyright © 2017

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