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Israeli Theme Paintings

During my travels to Israel I painted the visuals of this beautiful magical land, depicting what I viewed while traversing the sights

"Off to Evening Prayers"

oil on canvas

24in. x 30in.  $2,000.00

"Off to Evening Prayers" 24in. x 30in. oil $2,000.00
"Light of theParty"

      oil on canvas

21in. x 30in.   $2,000.00

"Life of the Party"  21in. x 30in.  oil $2,000.00
"Spiritual Surroundings"


         oil on canvas

20in. x 28in.  $1,600.00

"Spiritual Music"Israel - 20in. x 28in oil $1,000.00
"Walking to the Mikvah"

oil on canvas

22.5in. x 31in  $2,000.00


"Walking to the Mikvah" 22.5in. x 31in. .jpg
"Spiritual Embrace"

oil on canvas    18.5in. x 23in.      $1,600.00

"Spiritual Embrace" 18.5in. x 23in. oil $1,800.00

oil on canvas   21in. x 29.5in.   $2,000.00

"Curiosity" 21in. x 29.5in. oil on canvas $2,000.00
"Father and Son at Kotel"

oil on canvas     16in. x 20in.     $900.00

"Father and Son at Kotel" oil on canvas 16in. x 20in.
"Silence is Golden"

oil on canvas 18.5in. x 22in. $1,000.00

"Silence is Golden"  18.5in x 22in.
"Night Riders in the                   Clouds"

oil on canvas   24in. x 36in.   $2,000.00

"Israeli Night Riders in the Clouds" oil 24in. x 36in. $2,000.00
"Kotel in Late Afternoon"

 oil on canvas  19.5in. x 23in.  $ 1,000.00

kotel in late afternoon jerusalem 19.5in.x 23in._edited.jpg
"Rocks by Lake Kinneret"

oil on canvas    20in. x 30in.  $2,000.00

_Israeli Rocks by Lake Kinneret_ oil 20in. x 30in_edited.jpg
"Spiritual Trees
'in Tzfat Israel

oil on canvas   25in. x 36in.  $1,600.00

"Magical Spiritual Trees"  20inx25in. $1,600.00
"Protective Lion Spirit"

oil on canvas  16in. x 40in.   $1,800.00

"Protective Lion Spirit"  16in. x 36in. oil.$1,800.00
"Lion of Judah"

oil on canvas 20in. x 30in. available in giclee prints. inquire

"Lion of Juda"  20in. x 30in. oil on canvas- Prints only
"Famous Abbo House"

oil on canvas 16in. x 20in. Giclee prints available

_Famous Abbo House in Tzfat, Israel 16in.x20in_edited.jpg
"Clouds Parading for Lion of Judah"

oil on canvas  20in. x 29in. $1,000.00

"Clouds Parading for Lion of Judah"  oil on canvas 20in. x 29in. $1,600.00
"Lost in the Ocean               Blues"

oil pastel on paper 28in. x 40in. $1,200.00

_Biblically Lost in the Ocean Blues_ oil pastel on paper 28in_edited.png
"Yellow Sunset over Lake Kinneret"

oil on canvas  21in. x 30in. $1,600.00

israeli yellow sunset 21in. x 30in_edited.jpg
"Spiritual Rider in the          Clouds"

oil on canvas 16in. x 40in.  $1,800.00

"Spiritual Rider in the Clouds"  oil 16in. x 40in.
"Courtyard in Tzfat, Israel"

oil on canvas 25in. x 36in.  $1,800.00

tzfat courtyard 25in. x 36in. .jpg
"Biblical Water Cleansing"

Oil Pastel on Paper 24in. x 36in. $1,600.00

_Swimming through Biblical Waters_ oil pastel-graphite 24in x 36in.
"Twilight in Zefat Israel"

Oil on canvas 16in. x 20in. $800.00

twilight in tzfat oil 16in_edited.jpg
"Storm Over Lake Kinneret"

oil on canvas 16in. x 40in.  $1,800.00

photo sep 07, 4 42 40 pm.jpg
"Kindness in Tzfat, Israel"

oil on canvas   12in. x 30in.                    $1,000.00

"Kindness" 12in. x 30in
"Kotel a Place to Pray"

oil on canvas 12in. x 30in.  $800.00

kotel a place to pray  12in. x 30in. .jpg
"Biblical Troubled Waters"

oil pastel on paper  48in. x 36in.   SOLD

_Troubled Waters_  4'x3' Oil Pastel on Paper SOLD
"Just Swell in Biblical Waters"

Oil pastel on paper 27.5in. X 39in.  $1,000.00

biblical that's just swell waters -27in.x40in.-oil pastel.jpg
"Biblical Pigments of our Imagination"

oil pastel on paper  27in. X 30in. $1,000.00

biblical pigments of our imagination-27in.x30in. -oil pastel.jpg
"Biblical Medieval Fluid"

oil pastel on paper  Diptych   24in. x72in. $1,800.00

"Biblical Medieval Fluid" oil pastel 24in. x 72in. diptych
"Biblical Aqueous Waters"

oil pastel on paper  48in. x 48in.

biblical aqueous - oil pastel. 48in.x48in. jpg.jpg

Will be available in Giclee prints only.   Original NFS

"Stairwell to Israeli Wine Tasting"

oil on canvas 16in. x 20in. $800.00

stairwell to israeli wine tasting 16in.
"Moody Atmosphere"

oil on canvas  16in. x 40in.  $1,800.00

dead sea at evening 16in. x 40in.  .jpg
"Biblical Churning Water"

oil pastel on paper 28in. x 30in.  $1,000.00

biblical churning water-28in.x30in.oil pastel.jpg
"Dead Sea Storm"

oil on canvas  16in. x 40in.  $1,800.00

dead sea storm 16in. x 40in..jpg
"Spiritual High"

oil on canvas  24in. x 36in.  $1,900.00

photo aug 11, 5 22 29 pm.jpg
"Biblical Chemical Equation"

oil pastel on paper 24in. x 32in. $1,000.00

biblical chemical equation-24in.x32in.-oil pastel.jpg
"Spiritual Morning"

oil on canvas 16in. x 40in.  $1,800.00

photo oct 20, 10 01 19 am.jpg
"Protective Lion Spirit"

oil on canvas  16in. x 36in  $1,900.00

•protective spirit. 16in. x 36in. .jpg
"Evening Comes to the Kinneret"

oil on canvas  16in. x 40in. $1,800.00

Evening Comes to the Kinneret .jpg
"Overlooking Dead Sea"

oil on canvas  24in. x 24in.  $900.00

overlooking dead sea .jpg
"Moon Over the Mediterranean"

oil on canvas  12in. x 40in.  $1,100.00

moon over kinneret 12in x 36in .jpg
"Secret Pomegranate Garden"

oil on canvas  16in. x 20in.  $900.00

secret pomegranate garden .jpg
"Pomegranate Tree with Kitten"

oil on canvs  24in. x 24in.  $900.00

pomegranate tree with kitten 24in. x 24in. .jpg
"Full Spiritual Throttle"

oil pastel on paper  28in. x 39in. $1,200.00

water-right panel.full throttle. oil pastel 28in.x40in..jpg
"Barn Friends"

oil on canvas  18in. x 21.5in.  $1,300.00

barn friends 18in. x 21.5in.  .jpg
"Heat on the Kinneret"

oil on canvas  16in. x 20in.  $900.00

Heat on the Kinneret 16in. x 20in..jpg
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